Facebook has gone missing?

Most of Bangladeshi internet users have accounts on Facebook. Daily communication and information are easy to communicate, because the number of users is increasing every day. Increasingly dependent on Facebook Again, the number of users scrambling with Facebook is not less. Because of the safety issues of personal information, these rashs sometimes get awful.

There are many users who have received a request to be friends on Facebook from their own accounts. This means that the user has sent a friend request with a fake or fake account. And there are several accounts in the name of the starred users, they need different account holders to keep a record. It's been a big problem to get rid of accounts lately. Many people have said that they can not log in to the account. However, not being able to log in does not mean that someone else is using that account. 'Facebook Hack' is a panic in the present time.

Lost control, understand how?
Automatically tell when users try to log in from somewhere other than where they are logged in regularly. Also, there is also a chance to turn it off from being logged in from somewhere on Facebook.

There are several ways to understand whether someone has taken control of the account or is trying to take control. Such as changing personal information, commenting on another post, or sharing something in your timeline that is not a user's own text. Passwords, even e-mails and phone numbers change, and thereby result in non-logged-in issues.

How much damage can be done
The problem of not logging into account is serious. If someone else takes control of the account, he will be able to easily read and read all the information about the account, posts (non-public), messenger discussions. In many cases, friends associated with the account can continue to discuss the issue without being aware of the hacking process.

Occasionally there is a fear of a widespread loss of socially. Even if there is no direct financial loss, or who have taken control, they offer the return of money in exchange for money. Sometimes you can claim regular money on the condition of not disclosing personal information.

What to do if hacked?

Some of the posts or postings of others in their postlines are usually made from Facebook's third party apps. 'Many others are using, so I also do' - That attitude must come out. Another user (third party) on Facebook will have to verify what information is being used when using any new app, and you will have to cancel it if you have permission to post it on Facebook.

 All problems are solvable

The way in which the control of your Facebook is broken, it is open to get back. But it is possible to avoid such unwanted events if you are alerted from the start.

 If you think that Facebook account has been hacked, you can get information about this from the Facebook Help page (www.facebook.com/help/hacked) and find out what steps you can get back to the account again.
As well as all hacking related help, see the www.facebook.com/hacked address page. You can choose the type of problem that is going on in the account step by step and proceed to the solution.
 Be sure to stay safe

Be aware of the security features that Facebook has on the use and activation. It is possible to have all the types of communication and information available from Facebook. So it should be kept in the hands of others, always be careful about it. It is possible to avoid hacking problems if you adhere to the following suggestions:

Keep all security features active (www.facebook.com/ settings? Tab = security).

Confirm e-mail and phone number To ensure maximum security for two-step logging and use the Generate Login Code Generator option.
Regular password change. The passwords must be such that nobody familiar with it can guess.
E-mails, Twitter, or any other use that is not used in one place.
Verify that the application is active from Settings-application (www.facebook.com/settings?tab=applications) and remove strangers.
All measures should be taken for security, but it should always be remembered that, on Facebook, there should never be any share or upload, which is likely to harm yourself if it is released.

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