Alfabet is turning off Google plus

A few days ago, the news of the security of Facebook's security was captured by using information. The information about Google Plus, a social networking site under Alfabet, was found to be unsuccessful. Reports of news agency Reuters reported that data of five million users from Google Plus was unsuccessful. Google's parent organization Alfabet decided to stop their Google Plus service due to its failure.

Google Plus authorities on Monday said more than 500,000 Google Plus users' information has gone to hundreds of developers outside. So the customer version of Google Plus (Consumer Edition) is being discontinued. Google Plus is making the policy of data exchange more difficult.

Alfabetic authorities had earlier indicated that Google Plus was closed. In August, official Google Plus pages were blocked by Google France.

Technology analysts say Google has made the most effort to popularize Google Plus. Opening a Gmail account made it mandatory to open accounts on Google Plus, but nothing was done. In the seven years of launch, there is an indication of the farewell market of Google Plus. Analysts predict the closure of official Google Plus Pages in Google France.

Google's attempt to popularize another social networking site is going to fail. Google has launched a new social networking website several times to compete with Facebook. Google Plus launched in 2011 But Google's site could not keep up with popularity.

In a blog post, Google said in a blog post about the latest data being unaffected, the problem of Google Plus was identified in March and it was fixed through software patch. But before deciding it, the developers had the opportunity to get that information. It has been reviewed that a developer did not abuse the error.

One of the major failures of privacy protection among major US companies is that the technology has come into the world. After this incident, Alfabet's share price fell 1 percent, and yesterday the price of each share stood at 1155.92 US dollars.

The Wall Street Journal said in a report that the Alfabet Authority did not tell the security guard before fearing pressure from the regulatory body. At that time, Facebook was relishing the Cambridge Analyst scandal. The issue of Google Plus security can be compared to Cambridge's analysis - it is assumed that Alfabet could be pressed. Google's Chief Executive Sundar Pichai was aware of this. Google did not make any comment on this matter.

The United Kingdom's election consultancy firm Cambridge Analyk has been accused of handing over information in an unethical way to Facebook. That information has been used in favor of Donald Trump in the US presidential election in 2016, Cambridge Analyktica. When the facts came to light, it became known as the Cambridge Animation Scandal.

Security and privacy experts did not take good care of pressing security guard. Jacob LeMan, managing director of legal consultant firm Friedman Kakajen, said that the user has the right to know whether a hacked account was hacked. Like a Cambridge analytics, the scam that has come to Facebook, it will bear fruit similar to that.

Enigadget, a tech website, said that ultimately Alfabet acknowledged the failure of their Google Plus. It has never been popular with users and has not been used too much. 90 percent of Google Plus users do not live up to five seconds in a single time. According to the Google Plus API, the safety of the security is due to the fact that they are walking in the way of closing it.

Although Google Plus has been discontinued as a customer product, it will remain open for enterprise users. Because, Google Plus seems to be more fitting than the internal social networking website of many organizations, the Alfabet Authority said.

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