Have a fear of robots

The fear of man is working on robots. If artificial intelligence robots occupy the fields of human work, many will be unemployed. But experts say there is nothing to fear about robots. Robot will work with the people as well. People will come forward with help. This will give people more creative work time. Many organizations are working to scare people about robots. They are making attractive robots, so that people's ideas about robots change. Similarly, a robot Erica.

Looks like brown-colored hair and dolls, Erica first looks like a young girl. Recently, in Madrid, Madrid, the robot was impressed by the audience with one person. AFP reported that Erica and other robots like her have become the main target of robotic research. Because, they can play a role in connecting with people like humans and people's life. Analysts said this week at International Conference on Intellectuals Robots.

In an exhibition, Erica asks the person as an employer or employer, 'You have mentioned project management issues. Can you say anything about this?

The answer to the job-seeker might not be able to monitor Erica. However, he has been trained to answer his special identifying words.

Experts participating in the conference said, "The fear and debate that robots will take away from their jobs is not right. Robots in our lives will never be inevitable. To make the robots more attractive, their structure and activities should be made of human beings so that they can be adapted quickly with our lives.

Robot, who specializes in relation between robots and people, and Japan's psychologist Hiroko Kameed said, "Robots will co-exist with humans nowadays.

Philippe Suarez, head of the Robotics Department of the CNRS Scientific Institute in France, said that taking a robot at home or work means making the device more interactive with people, without risking the risk. As robots can move in any situation and stop before any events happen. That is why people like humans or robots of modal systems are preferred. For example, at the Boston Dynamics Atlas robot can be said. It can run on different types of pages. Mark Rebirth Atlas shows a video of a peeping at the Madrid event.

Fear and fears about the robot like Atlas are also being said. There are doubts about who will go to the future of these robots. The US Defense Department-funded robot has been described by human rights organization Amnesty International as a 'killer robot' for the war.

A special robot named "Tolos" has been shown at the robot conference in Madrid. The Spanish company Pal Robotics-made Toledo Robot can take a test to maintain itself on the balance-sheet board.

Researchers say, it is easy to accept a robot like a man. People can estimate the nature of its movements. It's comfortable. But there are some limitations.

Japanese researcher Masario Mori said in his 'Unkanni Valley' theory that if robots are known to people, they react positively to them. But people started to show them the same way as humans, they felt annoyed.

A specialist named Miguel Salis of Madrid said that it is not possible to make the face of perfect people. This incomplete creates the desire to cancel the robot.

Currently, many robots like Erica are working as receptionists in Japan. Hiroshi Ishiguro, a professor at Osaka University of Japan, said that people are getting more importance to robot makers because they play an important role in understanding people. However, more research has to be done to discuss human formation and human speech.

Ishiguro said, "We understand the people with robots. Such as the importance of plucking eyebrows. Now robots like humans are the best to improve the issue of robots and people. People like humans can recognize the brain. Human interfaces and humans will be caught. '

Jurgen Schiedhubber, president of the Artificial Intelligence Institute, said, "Robots will be our partners in the future or not. They will solve many problems by imitating people as well as by examining themselves. Artificial intelligence will help them in this work. People will not need any help. '

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