Apple and Amazon servers attack the Chinese intelligence?

The technology giant Apple and the Amazon web service system attacked Chinese detectives, according to Bloomberg reports. It is reported that they put a computer chip in Gopal and hacked them into the web services of these two big companies. On Thursday, a media report from Bloomberg said that after the information was released, the brawl started in the world of technology. Apple and Amazon have denied the authenticity of this information.

The report cited 17 intelligence and commercial sources without disclosing the names, claiming that the Chinese detectives installed computer chips inside about 30 companies and equipment used by more than one US government agency. So that Beijing can secretly enter these internal networks. .

China's Foreign Ministry did not agree to any written comment on the complaint. Beijing has already denied the allegations of cyber attacks against Western companies.

Security experts working in government agencies told the news agency Reuters, on one side Bloomberg claims that, on the other hand, Apple and Amazon strongly deny it. They were surprised to see this ambiguity. Some people say that this allegation can be true. But the way companies are denying, there is a debate about this information.

Apple has given a statement that in 2015 Apple chips were found on the server, the information is not true. Amazon said in their blog, it's untrue.

Bloomberg is firm on its report. In a statement on behalf of the media, it was reported that 17 people from different government organizations and companies have been taken into account. Their statement proves that the hardware was attacked.
Bloomberg says, we remain in our report. We are sure of our information.

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