Five million Facebook user data has been snatched by cyber criminals

Cyber-misbehavior has caught around five million Facebook user data attacks on the Facebook network. On Friday the Facebook authorities acknowledged this. Facebook says the miscreants could access the Facebook account of the concerned people using the data captured. But the action has already been taken to prevent it.

According to Facebook authorities, CNN has reported that attacks on Facebook's security system have been identified earlier this week. In this, around five crore users of this social network have access to data.
Reuters has said, Facebook authorities have already taken measures to stop the possibility of miscreants entering the accounts of those users. The law enforcers were also informed about this matter.

It was not known who or who attacked this Facebook. The reason for security reasons has already forced nine million Facebook users to log out from their account.

Reuters has said, using Facebook's 'View As' feature, miscreants have taken the task of handling data. For now the 'View As'feature has been blocked.

Facebook has said that they have reset the token reset of five crore accounts.

On Friday afternoon, Facebook shares fell 3 percent in the Wall Street stock index after the news of the attack.

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