Intel 50

Intel started its journey half-a-century ago. The purpose was to create a better future. Since then, the microprocessor maker has been inventing new ideas and solutions by solving the problem. On July 18, 1968 Robert Nyech and Gordon Moore established Intel. In the long run, the challenge of co-founder Nyech has been as a motivation for him, 'go ahead with the backdrop of history and limitations and create something new.'

Both Noyce and Moore were working in a company named Fairchild Semiconductors. He was very dissatisfied with the way Nayech was being treated by the organization. One day Moore came and said that he is leaving the job and whether Moore is really interested in doing something new. The two new companies that created jobs by putting together jobs together are today's Intel.

Intel name

Nayech and Moore's new organization was named NM Electronics. To name a quick name for registration, the name of the name from the initials of their name. Later, Intel was named after the integration of the first part of the words Integrated Electronics.

New member Andy Grove

Noyce and Moore had the experience of working together. And for the extraordinary skill, Moore was appointed by the university directly to Andy Grove.

When Andy told her that they are starting a new organization, they immediately express their interest in joining the team. Later, Andy Grove was one of the keys to Intel's success.

Intel with Stephen Hawking

In 1997, Gordon Moore met with late British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking. Moore saw, AMD's processor at Hawking's computer. Since then, Intel has come with computers and technology to talk about hockey.

Current Intel

In 2015, Intel contributed US $ 28 billion to the GDP and indirectly contributed $ 6 billion to the US dollar. At present there are more than 50 thousand technical workers in the United States and more than 5 million people are associated with their business.

Intel is one of the world's leading manufacturers of microprocessors. Intel produces 1 billion transistors per second. A shipment is sent to the organization of Global Inventory every 24 seconds. These chips of Intel manufacturing factories are the world's cleanest place. The operation rooms of the hospital are usually very clean, but there are at least 1000 times less germs or dust than the factories in Intel chip-making factories.

Intel has everything in mind. Starting with computer chips, they are currently associated with many other types of activities. Almost all of Intel's manufacturing and inventory activities are managed from the United States.

Intel records a world record for the 50th anniversary, where they show a light show through 500 automatic drones. The organization was organized at the head office of California.

Source: Intel

Intel 10 Innovations

On the occasion of 50th founding anniversary, Intel has made a list of 50 innovations by inviting all the employees to select 10 of their favorite inventions. About 2,600 employees gave the opinion, and the list of the 10 selected innovations they selected was given below.

1. X86 architecture

The X86, developed in 1978, is a new instruction set that can work with previous architectures, which was invented for the Intel 8086 CPU. This X86 architecture is used on almost all laptops, desktops and server computers of the current time.

2. Moore's formula

According to Moore, it is said that an integrated circuit can be added twice as many transistors every two years. He published this formula many years ago in establishing Intel. But interestingly, Intel was moving ahead of itself to establish this formula.

3. USB

Plug and play! Intel jointly established universal serial bus or USB standard. Immediately after connecting, any part of the computer is effectively used with the computer. In 1995, Intel released an integrated circuit that supports USB.

4. 8080 processor

Intel 8080 processor is the world's first full-scale microprocessor. This innovative breakthrough was published in 1974. The 40-pin processor was able to use more than 8008 of the previous 15 pins. It can be said that the processor was invented by millions of people started using personal computers.

5. 3D tri-gate transistor technology

In 2011, Intel released commercially three-dimensional tri-gate transistors for the first time. This technology gives high level results from low operating voltage. Moore's formula proved to be true again.

6. 4004 processor

Was released in 1971. It was a monolithic CPU and was fully integrated into a chip.

7. Pentium processor

In 1993, this processor made of 31 million transistors was released to everyone. First of all, use the word instead of number in the name of Intel. 'Inside Inside' - The slogan quickly gets acquainted.

8. 3D Exhibit

In 2015, Intel announced that they had invented a technology named Technology Express. It is a technology to store information permanently, which is now faster than the current technology, much faster

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