Google employees leaving the work on the streets

Google employees protest an unprecedented protest after some senior officials have been accused of sexually assaulting colleagues. Many US-based technology companies have left the work on the streets of the highway. Google activists working in several countries including United States, UK, India, Japan, China, Singapore, were involved in the protest on Thursday. Apart from sexual harassment at work, they also protested against discrimination, racism and unauthorized executive power.

The Google employees got this protest known as 'Google Walkout'. Users in the United States are posting huge numbers with 'hashtag Google Walkout (#googlewalkout)' in social media According to the post of Google employees posted in social media, the work of excluding employees from around Google's offices at around 11am at the local time around the world.

Hundreds of Google employees in India boycotted office Singapore and Japan have been protesting similarly in the company's office in Tokyo. Some employees have come out of Google's office in London. Many employees have come out of Zurich's office in Switzerland. Some employees protested by boycotting the office in Berlin in Berlin.

The US Newspaper New York Times reported on Wednesday that the organizers expect more than 1,500 workers from around the world to participate in the protest. Most of them will be women workers of Google.

In a statement on Wednesday night, the organizers invited the affiliate of the board of directors to Google's parent organization Alfred Incorporated and to report all employees' fees in person. They have urged Google to make changes in the practice of human resource management.

Due to diversity, improving the behavior of women and minors and Google's original mantra 'Dont do anything evil', there was a growing dissatisfaction in Google for months. Workers protested at the internal level earlier this year. This displeasure got intense last week after the New York Times published a report. The report claimed that Google was quiet about the allegations of sexually assaulting at least three executive officials in the last decade. Their Android maker Andy Rubin, who left Google in 2014 as a senior vice president. At that time, the company gave him nine million dollars. But Rubin denied that accusation.

According to CNN, Google X Director Richard Daval resigned this week. The New York Times report claimed that he had sexually harassed a job-seeker. Richard did not get any money while leaving the job.

Google's Chief Executive Sundar Pichai has said in a statement that the workers have brought a constructive plan to the front. The organization is listening to the workers so that action may be taken according to these plans, "he said." We are aware of Thursday's protest program and if workers want to join the protest they will get support. "

Since its establishment two decades ago, due to maintaining transparency with the staff, Google has earned reputation worldwide. But the organizers of the protest said that Google's executive officers have progressed slowly to identify some structural problems. Their claim, Google must disclose sexual harassment statistics and in case of harassment incidents, forced to leave the settlement route.

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