Make a favorite photo frame on Facebook

Photo frame is a way to introduce yourself to Facebook. This photo frame is sometimes artistic, sometimes part of patriotism. If you like any other photo frames, by pressing the Try it button, you can arrange your profile photo accordingly. But if you can make such a photo frame itself?

What to do

Since many pictures are given together in one frame, so you have to make the desired picture in advance. The image resolution should be more. If the image is transparent and PNG (.png) type is good. Now let's go to the main job.

Enter your Facebook account first. Using the frame studio product of Facebook developer tool, we will make a photo frame. Go to frame studio (

Press the Create a Frame button here. You can go directly to at this address. Here, you can set the frame by which account you want to create. In the right corner of this window, you can click on the logged in Facebook ID and create a frame with your own name or your own page.

Create a frame for: In this part, there are two options: Profile pictures, Facebook camera. Here you can choose the frame for which you want to make frames.

Suppose you make the frame for the profile photo. Then select Profile pictures from Create a frame for. It's the default (default) it's selected.

Just click the Upload Art button below, clicking on it will select (upload) the pictures you've already collected.

You can choose any of the PNG files of your favorite pictures or images, Transparent Text, pictures here. Once you have uploaded the transporter images, you can do a lot about it in the box.

Multiple images can be used in a frame. If you want to make the background transparent by moving the mouse over the photo, you can see the image of your frame transparent.

Right click on the mouse in the picture will get many options. You can spread the picture on the right and left, up and down. If you want to replace the current with other pictures or art using the Replace art option.

If you want, you can compress it with heat and heat. These options are also available in the Actions menu on the left side of the window. Get a sample of how the profile picture logo and the phone frame will appear from the preview window on the right.

If you are all like mind, then press Next and move to the next step. In the next step, in the Name field you must name the frame you made. Optional details - You can place location, schedule, keywords in a row.

At the end of the job, press the Next button. The next step will look like what your frame will look like. If everything is okay press the Publish button.

In a warning message you will say that if you submit a submission to the frame once, then the name of the frame and its owner can not be changed for a second time. Press the OK button here. If approved, tell it in a notification.

Then everyone can use your made photo frame. If you want to use it manually, go to your profile picture and press Edit. Then press Add Frame. Find the frame you made. Save.

Once you start using it, anyone who's on your buddy list will be able to use your tried frame by using the Try Try button next to your profile picture.

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