Penalty for fake group on Facebook

Facebook authorities have announced to take punitive actions against those groups which will spread false news. Facebook recently updated some features for their platform. There are also special arrangements for preventing spread of harmful content. One of the important changes that come to Facebook is the special rules for the group. This information was provided in a report by the technical website The Verge.

Facebook authorities say, the group which repeatedly reports false information, will be shown less in the group's post news feed. Analysts say Facebook's decision is important because Facebook has made false news outbreaks from different groups.

Eprothom Alo Facebook authorities say that action will also be taken against groups of groups in which false news is circulated.

Guy Rojen, vice president of Facebook's Integrity Department, wrote in a blog post that when someone posted a content that gets repeatedly rating, the news feed of the group will be shown at a global level. Before breaking any group or taking action against the group, the content of its admin and group operator's content policy will be reviewed. Considering the status of the group, a feature called group quality will also be added.

Facebook authorities have said they will now follow the new rules to show any topic in their news feed. In the case of popularity on Facebook, they will consider whether the publisher is important. As Google shows their search results, Facebook can follow the same rules for their news feeds. If a website gets links from other websites, then Facebook will be considered as a trusted source.

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